Christian Grün
2016-02-08 16:48:39 UTC
Dear all,
Aligned with the XML Prague 2016 Conference, we are more than happy to
provide you with a great new version of BaseX, your XML database
system and XQuery processor! These are the new features:
- Project View: all modules of the project are now parsed in the background
- Create Database, Properties: easy access to advanced database options
- Sort Dialog: order by column positions and locale collation
- New Token Index: speedy token lookups in DITA and HTML documents
- Including full support for incremental and main-memory databases
- XQuery optimizations for fn:contains-token, fn:tokenize, fn:idref
- Cancel server-side queries via %rest:single annotation
- DBA query editor: faster querying, better responsivity
- Database Module: ADDCACHE support (caching of large results)
- Direct output of binary data with new 'basex' serialization method
- Better XQuery 3.1 compliance: string constructors, new functions
- Java bindings: address specific Java function signatures
- User Module: create users and grant permissions in one step
- Many Wiki articles have been revised and updated
A big thank you to our sponsors, which made some new features possible
and available to everyone, and a special shout-out to Jens Erat, who
realized the new token index!
Visit to find the latest release.
We are looking forward to your feedback,
BaseX Team
Aligned with the XML Prague 2016 Conference, we are more than happy to
provide you with a great new version of BaseX, your XML database
system and XQuery processor! These are the new features:
- Project View: all modules of the project are now parsed in the background
- Create Database, Properties: easy access to advanced database options
- Sort Dialog: order by column positions and locale collation
- New Token Index: speedy token lookups in DITA and HTML documents
- Including full support for incremental and main-memory databases
- XQuery optimizations for fn:contains-token, fn:tokenize, fn:idref
- Cancel server-side queries via %rest:single annotation
- DBA query editor: faster querying, better responsivity
- Database Module: ADDCACHE support (caching of large results)
- Direct output of binary data with new 'basex' serialization method
- Better XQuery 3.1 compliance: string constructors, new functions
- Java bindings: address specific Java function signatures
- User Module: create users and grant permissions in one step
- Many Wiki articles have been revised and updated
A big thank you to our sponsors, which made some new features possible
and available to everyone, and a special shout-out to Jens Erat, who
realized the new token index!
Visit to find the latest release.
We are looking forward to your feedback,
BaseX Team