[xquery-talk] [ANN] BaseX 8.4: The XML Prague 2016 Edition
Christian Grün
2016-02-08 16:48:39 UTC
Dear all,

Aligned with the XML Prague 2016 Conference, we are more than happy to
provide you with a great new version of BaseX, your XML database
system and XQuery processor! These are the new features:

- Project View: all modules of the project are now parsed in the background
- Create Database, Properties: easy access to advanced database options
- Sort Dialog: order by column positions and locale collation

- New Token Index: speedy token lookups in DITA and HTML documents
- Including full support for incremental and main-memory databases
- XQuery optimizations for fn:contains-token, fn:tokenize, fn:idref

- Cancel server-side queries via %rest:single annotation
- DBA query editor: faster querying, better responsivity

- Database Module: ADDCACHE support (caching of large results)
- Direct output of binary data with new 'basex' serialization method
- Better XQuery 3.1 compliance: string constructors, new functions
- Java bindings: address specific Java function signatures
- User Module: create users and grant permissions in one step

- Many Wiki articles have been revised and updated

A big thank you to our sponsors, which made some new features possible
and available to everyone, and a special shout-out to Jens Erat, who
realized the new token index!

Visit http://basex.org to find the latest release.
We are looking forward to your feedback,

BaseX Team
