[xquery-talk] xpath1 text node contains attribute, equivalent in xpath2
2013-12-27 09:20:22 UTC

For an xml file:

Learning XML
<author>Erik T. Ray</author>

An xquery file was created and processed using jedit xml plugins:

let $x := fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title[contains(text(),'XML')]/parent::*
return $x

Xpath1 specification § 4.2 string functions
(http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#section-String-Functions) describes a
"contains" function, but this was not found in xpath2; what is the
equivalent function in xpath2 please?

The resultant output:

<book category="WEB">

<title lang="en">
Learning XML


<author>Erik T. Ray</author>




Is it possible to remove the xml elements from the output file?

An alternative xquery was attempted:

let $x := fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title/text()
return $x

Resultant output:

Everyday Italian

Harry Potter

XQuery Kick Start

Learning XML


Is it possible to select a specific title text with this xquery syntax?
Liam R E Quin
2013-12-27 09:30:03 UTC
Post by e-letter
Xpath1 specification § 4.2 string functions
(http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#section-String-Functions) describes a
"contains" function, but this was not found in xpath2;
Better to use the XPath 2 Functions and Operators spec, which does
indeed list fn:contains().

In XQuery you might need to call it fn:contains() rather than
contains(), depending on options.
Post by e-letter
Is it possible to remove the xml elements from the output file?
Change return $x to return $x/text() maybe
Post by e-letter
let $x := fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title/text()
return $x
Is it possible to select a specific title text with this xquery syntax?
Yes. E.g. ......bookstore/book/title[fn:contains(., 'Learning XML')]

Liam Quin - XML Activity Lead, W3C, http://www.w3.org/People/Quin/
Pictures from old books: http://fromoldbooks.org/
Ankh: irc.sorcery.net irc.gnome.org freenode/#xml
2013-12-27 12:03:35 UTC
Post by Liam R E Quin
Post by e-letter
Xpath1 specification § 4.2 string functions
(http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#section-String-Functions) describes a
"contains" function, but this was not found in xpath2;
Better to use the XPath 2 Functions and Operators spec, which does
indeed list fn:contains().
let $x := fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title[fn:contains(.,'Learning
return $x


<book category="WEB">

<title lang="en">
Learning XML


<author>Erik T. Ray</author>




Why is the full stop applied before the comma, because this is not
specified as an option in the specification about 'fn:contains'?
Post by Liam R E Quin
Post by e-letter
Is it possible to remove the xml elements from the output file?
Change return $x to return $x/text() maybe
Not quite, returns:



if 'return' is changed to 'return $x/element()', the result is as
'return $x', but interestingly a removal of new line white space.
Misztur, Chris
2013-12-27 16:02:07 UTC
The period '.' in contains() means that you are passing the current sequence item (aka context) into the contains() function.
Imagine that query [1] is actually doing a for-each loop on each <title/> and the predicate in square brackets is applying a 'where' statement on each iteration. You can also rewrite query [1] as query [3].

Your other query [2] returned multiple items or a sequence of strings. You did not specify a predicate / selection criteria so you got an 'array' of strings.

[1] fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title[fn:contains(.,'Learning XML')]
[2] fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title/text()
[3] for $book-title in doc('xmldatabasefile.xml')/bookstore/book/title
Where contains($book-title/text(), 'Learning XML')
Return $book-title/text()

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-***@x-query.com [mailto:talk-***@x-query.com] On Behalf Of e-letter
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 6:04 AM
To: ***@w3.org
Cc: ***@x-query.com
Subject: Re: [xquery-talk] xpath1 text node contains attribute, equivalent in xpath2
Post by Liam R E Quin
Post by e-letter
Xpath1 specification § 4.2 string functions
(http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#section-String-Functions) describes a
"contains" function, but this was not found in xpath2;
Better to use the XPath 2 Functions and Operators spec, which does
indeed list fn:contains().
let $x := fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title[fn:contains(.,'Learning
return $x


<book category="WEB">

<title lang="en">
Learning XML


<author>Erik T. Ray</author>




Why is the full stop applied before the comma, because this is not specified as an option in the specification about 'fn:contains'?
Post by Liam R E Quin
Post by e-letter
Is it possible to remove the xml elements from the output file?
Change return $x to return $x/text() maybe
Not quite, returns:



if 'return' is changed to 'return $x/element()', the result is as 'return $x', but interestingly a removal of new line white space.



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2013-12-27 18:07:30 UTC
Post by Misztur, Chris
Imagine that query [1] is actually doing a for-each loop on each <title/>
and the predicate in square brackets is applying a 'where' statement on each
iteration. You can also rewrite query [1] as query [3].
The 'let' clause was chosen because it was not considered necessary to
perform any multiple iterations, just a single search for the target.
Is this an incorrect thought-process?
Post by Misztur, Chris
[3] for $book-title in doc('xmldatabasefile.xml')/bookstore/book/title
Where contains($book-title/text(), 'Learning XML')
Return $book-title/text()
This is understood, but the request was also to retrieve the text
nodes of the parent (and parent siblings - uncles/aunts? or maybe
referred to as sibling text nodes? ;) ) elements, i.e.:

Learning XML
Erik T. Ray

I am unable to append sucessfully '/parent::*' to the 'for' statement above.
Misztur, Chris
2013-12-27 19:05:44 UTC
Oh I see what you're trying to do...

xquery version "3.0";

let $bookstore :=
<book category="WEB">
<title lang="en">Learning XML</title>
<author>Erik T. Ray</author>
<book category="XML">
<title>Best XML book</title>

let $my-book := $bookstore/book[contains(./title/text(), "Learning")]

(: this works too :)
(: let $my-book := $bookstore/book/title[contains(./text(), "Learning")]/.. :)
(: let $my-book := $bookstore/book/title[contains(./text(), "Learning")]/parent::* :)

(: return <p>{string-join($my-book/string(), codepoints-to-string(10))}</p> :)

element table
for $element in $my-book/child::*
element tr
element td { local-name($element)||':' },
element td { $element/text() }

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-***@x-query.com [mailto:talk-***@x-query.com] On Behalf Of e-letter
Sent: Friday, December 27, 2013 3:20 AM
To: ***@x-query.com
Subject: [xquery-talk] xpath1 text node contains attribute, equivalent in xpath2


For an xml file:

Learning XML
<author>Erik T. Ray</author>

An xquery file was created and processed using jedit xml plugins:

let $x := fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title[contains(text(),'XML')]/parent::*
return $x

Xpath1 specification § 4.2 string functions
(http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath/#section-String-Functions) describes a "contains" function, but this was not found in xpath2; what is the equivalent function in xpath2 please?

The resultant output:

<book category="WEB">

<title lang="en">
Learning XML


<author>Erik T. Ray</author>




Is it possible to remove the xml elements from the output file?

An alternative xquery was attempted:

let $x := fn:doc("xmldatabasefile.xml")/bookstore/book/title/text()
return $x

Resultant output:

Everyday Italian

Harry Potter

XQuery Kick Start

Learning XML


Is it possible to select a specific title text with this xquery syntax?



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