Rob Stapper
2015-07-23 14:49:58 UTC
Is it possible that in a nearby release of the XQUERY-standard the
parameters of the annotations in function-declarations can also hold
. declare %myAnnotation( $annotationValue) function f ( ){()} ;
. instead of: declare %myAnnotation( 'myLiteral') function f (
){()} ;
My use-case is that I want to be able to check some of my functions for
specific properties during processing.
- it would be nice if the source of the annotationValue at function-creation
could be the same as at function-checking, e.g.
. declare variable $annotationValue := 'testValue' ;
. declare %myAnnotation( $annotationValue) function f( ){()} ;
. declare function test( $f, $annotationValue){ ...test
annotation:%myAnnotation of function( $f) for value: $annotationValue...} ;
. ...... test( $myFunction, $myTestValue) ....
- another, more important point is that the constructor-function for these
annotated functions can be called from different places in my program with
different values. So actually function-creation is also during processing.
Is this something that W3C sees as a useful enough addition and is it
feasible within the given capacity?
Thanks in advance,
Rob Stapper
Dit e-mailbericht is gecontroleerd op virussen met Avast antivirussoftware.
Is it possible that in a nearby release of the XQUERY-standard the
parameters of the annotations in function-declarations can also hold
. declare %myAnnotation( $annotationValue) function f ( ){()} ;
. instead of: declare %myAnnotation( 'myLiteral') function f (
){()} ;
My use-case is that I want to be able to check some of my functions for
specific properties during processing.
- it would be nice if the source of the annotationValue at function-creation
could be the same as at function-checking, e.g.
. declare variable $annotationValue := 'testValue' ;
. declare %myAnnotation( $annotationValue) function f( ){()} ;
. declare function test( $f, $annotationValue){ ...test
annotation:%myAnnotation of function( $f) for value: $annotationValue...} ;
. ...... test( $myFunction, $myTestValue) ....
- another, more important point is that the constructor-function for these
annotated functions can be called from different places in my program with
different values. So actually function-creation is also during processing.
Is this something that W3C sees as a useful enough addition and is it
feasible within the given capacity?
Thanks in advance,
Rob Stapper
Dit e-mailbericht is gecontroleerd op virussen met Avast antivirussoftware.