Misztur, Chris
2014-01-11 18:13:23 UTC
Can the below code be improved to retrieve the current effective price (4000) given the following:
for $iap in $iaps-doc/iap (: for each iaps/iap :)
let $iap-name := $iap/@name/string() (: get the iap name :)
let $effective-price :=
(for $price in $iap/price
where current-date() >= xs:date($price/@effective/string()) (: select only price nodes where @effective is <= today's date :)
order by xs:date($price/@effective/string()) descending (: order descending so the first returned price node has the most recent date :)
return $price)[1]
return element { $iap-name } { $effective-price }
<iap name="bald">
<price amount="5000" amountText="!C5000" effective="01/01/2014"/>
<price amount="4000" amountText="!C4000" effective="01/05/2014"/>
<price amount="10000" amountText="!C10000" effective="01/15/2014"/>
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Can the below code be improved to retrieve the current effective price (4000) given the following:
for $iap in $iaps-doc/iap (: for each iaps/iap :)
let $iap-name := $iap/@name/string() (: get the iap name :)
let $effective-price :=
(for $price in $iap/price
where current-date() >= xs:date($price/@effective/string()) (: select only price nodes where @effective is <= today's date :)
order by xs:date($price/@effective/string()) descending (: order descending so the first returned price node has the most recent date :)
return $price)[1]
return element { $iap-name } { $effective-price }
<iap name="bald">
<price amount="5000" amountText="!C5000" effective="01/01/2014"/>
<price amount="4000" amountText="!C4000" effective="01/05/2014"/>
<price amount="10000" amountText="!C10000" effective="01/15/2014"/>
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