[xquery-talk] Castable integers
Ihe Onwuka
2014-02-21 16:18:31 UTC
3 castable as xs:integer -> true

"3" castable as xs:integer -> true

3.5 castable as xs:integer -> true ..... hmmmmm debatable that one

ok...(scratches head)....so if it's roundable to an integer it's
castable to an integer


"3.5" castable as xs:integer -> false

Btw which list is the home for XPath stuff.
Michael Kay
2014-02-21 17:16:18 UTC
Yes, castability is not transitive. Well spotted.

You get some pretty strange results with boolean() too, e.g.

boolean(string(false())) => true().

Michael Kay
Post by Ihe Onwuka
3 castable as xs:integer -> true
"3" castable as xs:integer -> true
3.5 castable as xs:integer -> true ..... hmmmmm debatable that one
ok...(scratches head)....so if it's roundable to an integer it's
castable to an integer
"3.5" castable as xs:integer -> false
Btw which list is the home for XPath stuff.
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