[xquery-talk] [saxon] Sun/Oracle Using Saxon 9.2.x.y to test JDK-N, N<=9 since 2010.
Michael Kay
2016-03-10 18:45:28 UTC
Thanks for letting us know, and sorry for the belated response.

The Saxonica business model is working pretty well - lots of people use the open source version for some pretty amazing things, they spread the word to other developers, and enough of those developers want the extra features of the commercial versions that we generate the revenue to keep developing the product. So we don't resent the fact that lots of people are getting a free lunch, especially if they all tell their friends how wonderful the product is: the more people use the open source product, the bigger our potential market for the commercial product.

Michael Kay
Guys, could you please ask Mike if we owe him any money
for using his Saxon 9.2 (A?) in out job destribution system (Aurora)
which executes 40000 jobs a day on 2000 of servers as a part of
JDK testing.
Thank you so much for your help,
Nikita Zinoviev
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