Rob Stapper
2015-07-19 09:27:04 UTC
Is it an option to add a "dataSet" as datatype in xquery, like for example
the "array"?
My case is that I'm having this high-order function that iterates through a
sequence and start a given function on each item until it receives back an
'nothing', than it breaks off.
This works great except with sequences which I ( have to) use for
"dataSets": there are occasions that I need to return an empty set without
breaking of the iteration.
In xquery there are empty arrays, empty maps and empty elements but no empty
"dataset", like - set {} -
Rob Stapper
- definition for "dataset" could be something like: - a datatype
representing a dynamic collection of data-items -.
- Since the "dataSet" is an datatype, "dataSets" could hold other dataSets.
- Function "for-each" ( no particular sequence) could take a "dataset" but
"fold-left" and "fold-right" ( particular sequence) could not.
- I don't know if a "fold"-function ( no particular sequence) would make
sense, haven't thought about it enough.
Dit e-mailbericht is gecontroleerd op virussen met Avast antivirussoftware.
Is it an option to add a "dataSet" as datatype in xquery, like for example
the "array"?
My case is that I'm having this high-order function that iterates through a
sequence and start a given function on each item until it receives back an
'nothing', than it breaks off.
This works great except with sequences which I ( have to) use for
"dataSets": there are occasions that I need to return an empty set without
breaking of the iteration.
In xquery there are empty arrays, empty maps and empty elements but no empty
"dataset", like - set {} -
Rob Stapper
- definition for "dataset" could be something like: - a datatype
representing a dynamic collection of data-items -.
- Since the "dataSet" is an datatype, "dataSets" could hold other dataSets.
- Function "for-each" ( no particular sequence) could take a "dataset" but
"fold-left" and "fold-right" ( particular sequence) could not.
- I don't know if a "fold"-function ( no particular sequence) would make
sense, haven't thought about it enough.
Dit e-mailbericht is gecontroleerd op virussen met Avast antivirussoftware.