Christophe Geiser
2015-07-06 07:30:37 UTC
Dear all,
Thanks Wouter for initiating this discussion.
Iâd like to add another feature request to the current implementation of
the language : the ability to retrieve the current function being executed.
I could not find a work-around for implementing this, and - now with
functions being first-class citizens of the language - felt the need for
this capability in some edge cases.
Something like :
declare function local:test($arg) {
let $function := function-item() (: would return local:test#1 as
function item :)
return ()
Thanks and best regards,
Christophe Geiser
Iâve been working with the recent xquery 3.1 implementation in the develop
branch eXist-db. I encountered some cases that were quite hard to work
- the lack of array:index-of() - the lack of the iterator index in
arrayfor-each and related higher-order functions
Perhaps someone of the workgroup is available to discuss those
cases. Thanks,
W.S. Hager Lagua Web Solutions
<> <>
*Christophe Geiser*Founder of e-smile
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to
accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.
Thanks Wouter for initiating this discussion.
Iâd like to add another feature request to the current implementation of
the language : the ability to retrieve the current function being executed.
I could not find a work-around for implementing this, and - now with
functions being first-class citizens of the language - felt the need for
this capability in some edge cases.
Something like :
declare function local:test($arg) {
let $function := function-item() (: would return local:test#1 as
function item :)
return ()
Thanks and best regards,
Christophe Geiser
Iâve been working with the recent xquery 3.1 implementation in the develop
branch eXist-db. I encountered some cases that were quite hard to work
- the lack of array:index-of() - the lack of the iterator index in
arrayfor-each and related higher-order functions
Perhaps someone of the workgroup is available to discuss those
cases. Thanks,
W.S. Hager Lagua Web Solutions
<> <>
*Christophe Geiser*Founder of e-smile
Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to
accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.