Leonard Wörteler
2013-12-12 21:36:20 UTC
Hello everyone,
I want to announce the small collection of XQuery 3.0 modules [1] that
I've written over the last few weeks. I use them mostly for testing the
BaseX optimizer, but there should be no BaseX-specific XQuery code in
the repository.
I have implemented some purely functional data structures including maps
based on AVL and Red-Black Trees that both support arbitrary values as
keys and efficient deletion. Some documentation can be found under each
module's namespace URI or under [2].
Constructive feedback of any kind (suggestions, bug reports, pull
requests) would be much appreciated.
Hope you like it,
cheers, Leo
[1] https://github.com/LeoWoerteler/xq-modules/
[2] http://www.woerteler.de/xquery/modules/
I want to announce the small collection of XQuery 3.0 modules [1] that
I've written over the last few weeks. I use them mostly for testing the
BaseX optimizer, but there should be no BaseX-specific XQuery code in
the repository.
I have implemented some purely functional data structures including maps
based on AVL and Red-Black Trees that both support arbitrary values as
keys and efficient deletion. Some documentation can be found under each
module's namespace URI or under [2].
Constructive feedback of any kind (suggestions, bug reports, pull
requests) would be much appreciated.
Hope you like it,
cheers, Leo
[1] https://github.com/LeoWoerteler/xq-modules/
[2] http://www.woerteler.de/xquery/modules/