[xquery-talk] What are people doing about XQJ?
Michael Kay
2018-03-15 23:54:23 UTC
XQJ provides a common Java API for XQuery processors.

For some reason it got tied up in far more legal red tape than most standards: probably something to do with the great Oracle/Google lawsuits. There is no work being done to extend XQJ to work with XQuery 3.0 or 3.1, and the XQJ license explicitly prohibits any third party from extending the interface to provide such support.

So what is one supposed to do if someone executes a query that returns a map or array? One interpretation of the rule prohibiting extensions is that the only thing an XQJ implementation can legally do in this case is to throw an error.

I'm interested to know how other XQuery implementors are handling this.

Should we just let XQJ die and forget it ever existed?

Michael Kay
Christian Grün
2018-03-17 10:47:49 UTC
Hi Michael,

As far as I know, most XQuery processors (such as ours) currently rely on
Charles Foster’s XQJ implementation.

In the past, we had our own implementations, but we stopped maintaining it
some years ago. Users keep asking us why they cannot use XQuery 3.1 with
XQJ; due to the unfortunate licensing conditions you mentioned, we didn’t
invest more time in this.

Post by Michael Kay
XQJ provides a common Java API for XQuery processors.
For some reason it got tied up in far more legal red tape than most
standards: probably something to do with the great Oracle/Google lawsuits.
There is no work being done to extend XQJ to work with XQuery 3.0 or 3.1,
and the XQJ license explicitly prohibits any third party from extending the
interface to provide such support.
So what is one supposed to do if someone executes a query that returns a
map or array? One interpretation of the rule prohibiting extensions is that
the only thing an XQJ implementation can legally do in this case is to
throw an error.
I'm interested to know how other XQuery implementors are handling this.
Should we just let XQJ die and forget it ever existed?
Michael Kay