And just possibly some way to flush the haze of unwanted namespaces
clinging to the query result, too.
Post by Leo StuderThank you Mike And Ghislain
may be xPath/xQuery 3.2 will have the possibility of different default
namespaces for input and output elements ;-)
and also the possibility to bind a prefix to the null namespace (ââ) ...
If the input and output are both in a namespace, and you want the output
to be in a namespace but with no namespace prefix, then I think your
(a) Use *:name in path expressions (which may over-select)
(b) Bind a prefix p to the input namespace and use p:name in path
expressions (which is tedious)
(c) Use Q{}name in path expressions (which is 3.0 only, and tedious)
(d) Use computed element constructors, and binding the default namespace
to the input namespace
(e) Use XSLT 2.0 with the default-xpath-namespace attribute.
Sadly, I remember trying to persuade the XQuery WG to allow different
default namespaces for input and output element names, and the general
reaction was "Mike, why do you keep trying to make namespaces even more
complicated than they are already?". So XQuery repeated the mistake of XSLT
1.0, only in a slightly different form.
Handling input documents with a default namespace remains by a good
measure the #1 xpath usability problem, a new StackOverflow user falls into
the trap nearly every day.
Michael Kay
Hi Leo,
I'm glad!
Should this happen, I guess you could add a filter using an XPath function
to test for the namespace of the name of the selected element.
You can test for the absence of namespace easily.
There may be even shorter tricks, I wouldn't be surprised if Mike got
something out of his magic hat :-)
Kind regards,
Post by Leo StuderHi Ghislain
thank you for your input, which solves my problem.
However, if I have the same element name in two different namespaces,
then the use of a wildcard namespace makes problems ;-).
Hi Leo,
If the input has no namespace, then I think you can declare the default
namespace according to your output (if it is important to you that your
output uses it as a default namespace).
Then there is a workaround to navigate the input with /*:foo/*:bar
expressions, where the joker prefix should catch the absence of namespace.
I hope it helps?
Kind regards,
Post by Leo StuderHi Michael
Post by Michael KayThe main difference from the XSLT xpath-default-namespace is that this
default applies both to names in path expressions and to names in element
constructors, which is inconvenient when the input and output documents are
in different namespaces.
Post by Michael KayMichael Kay
this is exactly my problem. The XML file has no namespace and the output
has a namespace.
Fist I tried
declare namespace null=ââ;
and in the query I wrote something like
Then I get the error that namespace null is not declaredâŠ.
The only solution I found is to put a namespace in the XML file (which
is not really what I want).
Is there another way?