Maybe my statement was not clear. Please let me do it again : I am just
saying that maps are slow in insertion, compared to vectors. This is true
performances. Furthermore, please check this thread: 3 of us, including me,
have tried to develop an external modulus implementing a map. The best
factor compared to a vendor solution, the map from BaseX. So far we tried,
modulus. In this context, I would not try, and will discourage anyone else,
existing linear algebra modulus.
organization, have no particular private interest in the xml industry. I am
just a xquery user. And I wish I were wrong. Please do not hesitate to
point me out any failure in my reasoning.
Post by David LeeOne tiny correction
Your statement " You can't use Marklogic map, or any other vendor map to
store vectors for performance issues (a map is really slow)."
So far on this thread this statement has not been substantiated.
MarkLogic maps and arrays are quite efficient, they are not the same thing
as XQuery rb trees or anything else.
They are highly efficient C++ implementations of maps and arrays,
implemented under the hood with the same data structures as you would in
C++ stdlib.
Not suggesting your other line of reasoning is incorrect, only that so far
on this thread I have not seen any evidence of testing vendor extensions
for XQuery types. I suspect you don't want to do that for good reasons
(for example its not portable, or its not a free product),
but I do suggest you cannot extrapolate performance from one vendors
implementation to another.
As is usual in performance "it depends".
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 31, 2013 12:02 PM
*To:* David Lee
*Cc:* Michael Sokolov; xquery-discuss; ihe onwuka; Andrew Welch
*Subject:* Re: [xquery-talk] Matrix Multiplication
@David pairs are also basically needed to write a linear algebra modulus,
the topic of this thread. And XQUERY don't provide any efficient pair. You
can't use Marklogic map, or any other vendor map to store vectors for
performance issues (a map is really slow).
Note that there are a lot of workaround : I am using direct JAVA binding
or C++ binding from XQUERY for linear algebra not to pay a too heavy
tribute to these issue performances.
The point is simply to notice that XQUERY could be really good to write an
efficient linear algebra modulus. But, due to these performance issues,
nobody can write it. I just hope that the next XQUERY version will give the
necessary container to write it. Meanwhile, nobody can contribute to XQUERY
through external modulus using heavy algorithms, and that's just too bad.
Indeed ... pair( (1,2,3) ) is just a function that returns a function as per my example.
But to the point, you can either use vendor extensions (such as
marklogic's json:array and map:map types) which have good support for
efficient operations, or look to another language (<sigh>) You may find
Scala more amenable to this type of programming.
Behalf Of *jean-marc Mercier
*Sent:* Tuesday, December 31, 2013 11:49 AM
*To:* Michael Sokolov
*Cc:* xquery-discuss; ihe onwuka; Andrew Welch
*Subject:* Re: [xquery-talk] Matrix Multiplication
@David, there are tricks to overcome sequence concatenations now. See for
instance definition of a pair by Leo, John Snelson, or me : you can write
pair( ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) , (4 5 , 6) ) to avoid sequence concatenation. I ve
written also constant sized vectors using this trick : for instance
NUPLE(1,(),<toto>,5), withh associated getters.
The bad new is that these operations takes too much time with all the
interpreters I have tried, and can't be used in heavy algorithms.
@Michael Concerning your remark over the discussions I quoted, maps are
the basic block for sparse linear algebra. Without performent "maps of
nodes" (equivalent to std::map in C++) you will not be able to write any
performant linear algebra modulus for sparse matrix.
However, before even thinking to sparse matrix, operations on sequences as
concatenations are the first "show-stop" to write a linear algebra modulus,
since sequences are vectors.
Another one is the lack of constant sized vectors (needed for basic dense
matrix operations).
@Ryan thx for these links, they are very interesting.
Well, I am going to party ! Have a happy new year !
I would love to see some tests of pure XQuery implementations of both
sparse and dense operations. I suspect performance of matrix multiply,
inversion, etc, will be poorer than in C++ or Java, but I would expect
performance comparable to Perl or Python (w/o its numpy extension) - just a
wild guess. I'd also expect it might be easier to get good sparse
performance. I don't know why, just a hunch.
But the more interesting question for me is whether language changes are
really needed to support this. I would have thought that proper
optimization of operations on sequences would be enough? So for example,
an extension module using sequences as matrix datatypes could possibly
optimize performance using a lower-level implementation. Does anyone see
any reason why that wouldn't be possible?
I reviewed the discussion you referred to, jean-marc, but it seems to have
more to do with using functions as map keys, and I don't see any direct
connection to linear algebra?
It is not due to the spec. It is rather due to the common usage of
XQUERY, forcing vendor solutions (as BaseX) to focus primarily on XML Data
Base requests more than algorithmic performances.
There are actually some threads that are discussing these performance
issues in the context of maps (maps are for instance used for sparse matrix
representations) : look for instance to ""map module for XQUERY ?" that I mailing list.
Anyhow, to write a serious linear algebra modulus, the basic need is to
have a vector containers. Unfortunately, XQUERY does not provide any
performant vector containers at present time, and it is not possible to
code them in pure XQUERY : I have tried, and more experienced xquery
developpers than me have also tried, without success.
We have to wait for the XQUERY version that will give us these containers,
a decision to be taken by the W3C.
Are you saying the spec as it stands somehow forces all implementations to
be 1000x slower, or just what you have observed in some particular
Post by jean-marc MercierAs far as I understand, you want to write a linear algebra module using
Post by jean-marc MercierIf so, I opened a thread some months ago about this idea. My opinion
today is that this is a false good idea at present time.
Post by jean-marc Mercier1) XQUERY would be really good for writing concise, efficient linear
algebra modulus.
Post by jean-marc Mercier2) However, I strongly recommend to wait a little bit for starting
coding : the current version of XQUERY (3.0) suffers from performance
issues. A linear algebra modulus written in XQUERY is expected to have
performances performances 1000 X slower than its corresponding C++ or JAVA
(you can measure it precisely). Any mathematician linear algebra modulus
would probably trashed your modulus after the first test.
Post by jean-marc MercierHope this helps
Post by Ihe OnwukaAssuming a sparse representation it is about 4 lines of SQL. This is
known not least because you can read enough articles and papers that
discuss it and it optimises well. The obvious google search does not reveal
any corresponding XQuery discussion, neither does it appear to have
surfaced on this or the eXist mailing list (allowing for my deficient
search skills). For something so "trivial" I thought that was rather
strange. Hence I thought it would be prudent to ask before naively
embarking on a 600k X 40k matrix multiplication.
Post by jean-marc MercierPost by Ihe OnwukaOn Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 11:31 AM, Andrew Welch <
Post by Andrew WelchIt should be pretty trivial...
Post by Ihe OnwukaHas anybody tried this in XQuery or if I am so foolish (not yet but
give me time) would I be the courageous <culturalReference> early
Post by jean-marc MercierPost by Ihe OnwukaPost by Andrew WelchPost by Ihe Onwuka_______________________________________________